Saturday, October 13, 2007

Quiet night

Last night's reading went well, I think. We had a very full house (it's a small room, so it doesn't take much); I'm bad at audience-counting, but I guess we had about 40 people and it felt packed.

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Quiet day today; quiet night tonight. I spent a while in my tiny little study at the back of the house, reading and writing a bit and listening to the next door neighbors who were apparently having a small social gathering on their back deck.

Got out Adrienne Rich's Dream of a Common Language and read her "Twenty-One Love Poems" for about the billionth time. How is it that poems I've read so many times, over the course of twenty-plus years, still have the power to move me so deeply?

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What kind of beast would turn its life into words?
What atonement is this all about?
--and yet, writing words like these, I'm also living.

[Rich, Twenty-One Love Poems, VII]

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As often, I'm thinking about the choices I've made that have led me here, where I am: this small house, this night, this quiet.

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I choose to walk here. And to draw this circle.

[Rich, XXI]

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It's the choices I don't remember making that circle back on me, nights like this. Even so, I chose this life and I'd probably choose it again.


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