Sunday, December 21, 2008

Freeze and stasis

Solstice Blessings to all who celebrate that particular, oldest of holidays.

In my neck of the woods, it is currently 3 degrees, with winds gusting up to 25-30mph creating wind chills well below zero. I am bundled up in my drafty house, wearing a hat, lots of socks, a blanket, the new blue scarf a friend made for me, and all kinds of other interesting items of clothing. I need to get up and clean house in preparation for holiday travels, but it's so much warmer to stay bundled up underneath this blanket on the couch, listening to Little Steven's Underground Garage on the radio (it's the Christmas A-Go-Go edition, and you just gotta love an album with tracks like "Come All Ye Faithful Surfer Girls" and "Back Door Santa"). I'm just glad that I had the foresight to run all the errands I could think of yesterday, plus put gas in the car before it got this cold; the little door over the gas tank is most probably frozen shut now anyway.

But there are blessings to count. It's not as cold here as it is in Minnesnowta, for one thing. And we have only the slightest dusting of snow. And the ice that we had a few nights ago melted before it got cold again, and the bruises that I got from falling on aforementioned ice are beginning to fade. (They were pretty impressive, though. Oof.) My house is drafty but I have power, and running water, and soft fluffy blankets, and cats taking turns on the heated kitty-bed. Things could be a whole lot worse.

I'm already starting to look past the holidays at the year to come. I feel like I need to clear some space, though I'm not yet sure what that is going to entail. But there are things that have been getting crowded out of my life, especially the past couple of months. I've been atrociously atrocious at keeping up with email, and that's got to change. I've been even worse at getting poems sent out there, and if I make one New Year's resolution, getting poems sent out there is going to be it. And I need to be more proactive about promoting the chapbook, trying to get some readings here and there, et cetera. I have at least managed to get the book manuscript out to a bunch of places, and I need to keep that up. I need to spend more time reading, for sure. And working on poems for the new manuscript, though that's probably the one writing-related thing that hasn't been given short shrift lately. (Could stand to put some effort into revising the darn things, though.) And finally it's been a few weeks since I've picked up a guitar, and that has GOT to change: life is so much happier with more music in it.

So, yeah, I've got to clear some space, both physically and mentally. I promise I won't drop off the face of the Internet, but I may need to try to spend less time here. We'll see.

Anyway, in case I don't manage to blog again before my holiday travels, I hope you all have wonderful holidays -- that you are warm, and safe, and loved. And most importantly, I hope you only get caught under the mistletoe by someone you want to get mistletoeded by. :)


Collin Kelley said...

Happy holidays, Anne! I'm just making myself get a bunch of stuff off my desk so I can get back to writing. I'm also looking ahead to 09 and setting up readings in the spring. Sorry I'll miss you at AWP.

Lyle Daggett said...

Here in Minnesnowta, the temps have been below zero every night for the past several nights. It's been snowing every couple of days, not always heavily, though got 5 or 6 inches of snow here in Minneapolis this past weekend.

The lakes are frozen over, and the beaches and the ice are under several inches of snow. Stiff northwest wind too for several days. You go outside in this weather, and it feels like all of the air is attacking you.

On Saturday, on one of the lakes, out on the ice which was under several inches of snow, there were a few people flying kites. I'm not making this up. People flying kites on a frozen lake while it's snowing.

(It's not uncommon to see people out jogging in this weather. Occasionally you'll see people on bicycles too.)

Around the edge of the lake there were still signs up, posted by the Park Board, warning that the ice wasn't safe (not thick enough) to walk on yet. Nobody fell through while I was watching.

I'm still on track to go to AWP in February in Chicago, where it might be -- by comparison -- warmer outside.

Montgomery Maxton said...

Happy Holidays, Anne. xo, MM

Duncan Mitchel said...

Hi, Anne... I hope you're having a lovely holiday escape from Bloomington. It's foggy here today (not to say faggy), so I'm pretending I'm in London.