Thursday, February 24, 2005

Vacation plans and getaways

So I've scheduled two vacation days during the week of Spring Break -- the Monday and Tuesday of that week. I have all kinds of good intentions about taking one day to do some major housecleaning, taking an afternoon to do my taxes, and spending the rest of the time reading & writing like crazy. In reality, I'll probably spend half of it parked in front of the TV feeling burned-out and exhausted. But at least I have good intentions.

Some months ago, I had the idea that I would take a long weekend in the spring sometime and rent a cabin in the woods -- maybe The Book Log Cabin in Brown County -- and show up with a pile of books and a pile of paper, and do nothing but write, and maybe finally get my book manuscript together (you know, the one my bio notes have claimed I'm working on for the past two years or so). But if I'm going to Provincetown to do D.A. Powell's revision workshop in June, I probably can't afford to rent a cabin for two or three nights on top of that. Especially since the Fine Arts Work Center housing is extra-tight this year (they're renovating the facility), so I'm waitlisted for their housing with no real hope of getting in, and will have to spring for a B&B for that week. Not cheap. (Note to self: better get on the stick about making reservations somewhere, too -- and soon.)

The long weekend of writing in the woods still sounds delicious, though. Maybe next year.

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