Saturday, February 24, 2007

Say This of Horses

Coming in April from the University of Iowa Press-- Say This of Horses: A Selection of Poems, edited by C.E. Greer and Jenny Kander. (Click the book cover for UIowa's catalog listing.) (whoops, sorry ... link should be fixed now)

The editors are both here in Bloomington, and they're also working on an anthology of Indiana poets which includes a little something of my own (I guess that counts as "bias disclosure"). This anthology features an introduction by Maxine Kumin, and includes poems by Merwin, Komunyakaa, Stevens, Kenyon, Ferlinghetti, Harjo, Rilke, Williams, Larkin, and others. It looks pretty interesting, and I look forward to getting a copy for myself.

In fact, tonight I attended a reading by the Bloomington Free Verse Poets, a group which includes both Charles and Jenny (aforementioned editors). It was sparsely attended, mainly because the sky was busy dumping buckets of freezing slush on Bloomington -- it was really pretty disgusting out there, and I almost decided to stay home myself -- but a nice, low-key reading, with good conversation and delicious goodies afterwards.

It looks like there's disgusting weather all over the country tonight. We've had rain, snow, sleet, slush, thunder, ice, and wind -- but we've had it better than a whole lot of places. Hope everyone reading this is warm and dry!


Brent Goodman said...

Ahh I miss Bloomington. It's where us West Lafayette folk would venture south for fun on the weekends. Is there still a bar there on the square called the Irish Lion?

Anne Haines said...

Brent: It's about a block west of the square, but oh yes, the Irish Lion is still there! And now you've got me craving Blarney Puffballs and beer.