Friday, May 25, 2007

Which came first...?

Thanks to a member of my poetry group -- actually, thanks to a student of hers, who raises chickens & found herself overwhelmed with eggs -- I have a dozen super-fresh, non-industrially raised, gorgeous brown eggs in my refrigerator. Actually, I only have ten of them now. I just made myself a couple of scrambled egg "burritos": two scrambled eggs, low-fat cheese, and some fresh green pepper for zest & crunch, all wrapped up in hippie-looking whole-wheat tortillas. Delicious, very satisfying, and reasonably good for me.

I'm trying hard to increase my repertoire of reasonably healthy meals. The goal is not to keel over from a heart attack in my (rapidly approaching) fifties. I think that's a decent goal.

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Did you know the National Park Service has an extensive artist-in-residence program? The terms of residency vary among the various parks, some as little as one week and some as long as eleven months -- most are around two to four weeks. Most, though not all, are open to writers. There are some pretty darn cool places you can go.

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After the holiday weekend, I want to do some serious work on revision. I also need to get some poems sent out. What are your favorite journals that read during the summer?


James said...

Kenyon Review, Poetry; Boulevard, Parnassus; Lyric, Boston Review; Blackbird, AGNI; New England Review..

Out of what I've read of your work, I think you should take a shot at one of those journals. Who knows, maybe you even get into Poetry / KR. ;)


Anne Haines said...

James: Thanks! :) I'm not holding my breath on some of those, but ... it doesn't hurt to be ambitious now and then, eh?