Thursday, June 30, 2005

A small revelation

I come here when I need to fall in love with the world again, and that is the same thing as falling in love with myself again.

Fog and rain and chilly breezes. The words are in me and all around me. Everything's a poem now and I feel very full.

It isn't easy. Nothing about this is easy. But it's the good hard work of being really alive.


Relief Map said...

Yes. A thousand times yes.

Radish King said...

Yes, that's what it's like, being inside poetry. That's the best. I'm enjoying reading about your conference. I only went to one, (twice) and even that was difficult for me. All I wanted to do was ride around on my bicycle, and, come to think of it, that's pretty much all I did. The poems didn't come until a year later.

Peter said...

Hi Anne: glad you are having a good time there. It sounds wonderful. Hope you come back with many poems/poem starts/revelations.

Unknown said...

Wow, Anne. The contact high from reading your postings is amazing. I love conferences/workshops/residencies for exactly the feelings you are sharing with us. How it takes you out of yourself and brings you back to your core, how it shakes all your dead leaves from your tree. But you are saying it much better.

And all that is happening will stay with you.