Thursday, December 01, 2005

Dress rehearsal

Tonight was the dress rehearsal for the Crazy Quilt of Bloomington Songs performance. Some of the poets weren't there, but those of us who were read our poems, and the musicians performed all of them. There are three musicians performing: a pianist, a soprano, and a baritone. Most of the poems are sung by only one of the singers, although both of them perform the last one on the program. My poem ("Door") is sung by the soprano, Virginia LeBlanc, whose voice is just gorgeous; I chatted with her briefly after the rehearsal and found out that she is in the final year of her doctorate at the IU School of Music (generally considered to be one of the best music schools in the country), and the morning after the performance she's headed for an audition in NYC. So, yeah, she's a wee bit talented. :) It is something else, hearing my words coming out of the mouth of such a talented singer. Some of the pieces worked better than others, of course, but none of them seemed to me to be clunkers, and some of the settings brought out entirely new layers of meaning in the poems. It was neat to hear. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's performance.

1 comment:

Artichoke Heart said...

That sounds absolutely thrilling! Wish I could be there to hear it!