Sunday, April 30, 2006

It's one of those nights...

Rain on the wind, quiet in the house. Thinking of people who aren't here.

[yes, there was a poem here... now it's gone. They do that.]


Garbo said...

Anne, I like this a lot, especially the ending. It's mournful but not depressing, and the window imagery works well.

Garbo said...

I meant that the poem is mournful, not the ending. The ending lightens up the darkness.

Anne Haines said...

Garbo: Thanks! I was gonna say, I *hope* the ending isn't mournful. It's not meant to be a bummer of a poem, just maybe a bit wistful. :)

Woody: Awww, thanks... I miss your blog, darnit!

Natalia L. Rudychev said...

Beautiful write. Subtle play of light and shadows.